General Rules and Regulations of The School

  • Every student must bring the school diary to the class daily
    • (a) Every student must be in the school premises before the first bell. All students must be regular and punctual; no student shall leave the school premises during school hours without Principals permission
    • (b) Any student coming late will not enter the school campus unless he/she brings not to the teacher from the Principal (after 3 late marks in a month the student will be sent home)
  • All shall remain silent and study till the teacher comes to the class
    •  (a) Habitual negligence in work, disobedience, acts of misconduct will invite severe disciplinary action including expulsion
    • (b) The school premises should be kept neat and tidy
  • Any damage caused to the property of the school will have to be made good
  • Every pupil shall endeavor  to keep up the high standard and prestige of the excelling in studies, good manners and other school activities.
  • Child suffering from contagious diseases will not be allowed to attend the class
  • Home exercises should be done regularly and carefully and submitted at the appointed time
  • Pupils of one class are not allowed to enter other classrooms.
  • It is compulsory to speak English in the school premises and in public places
  • The receipts issued by the school office for payment of school fees, other charges etc. should be produced whenever they are asked for.
  • Playing in classrooms and corridors are strictly prohibited
    • (a) When passing on the corridors during class-hours students shall keep silence.
    • (b) In the absence of a teacher the class teacher will be responsible for the order and discipline of the class.
  • Management, Principal and staff will not be held responsible in any way of any accident or misshape that may occur to the students in the school premise while bringing the students to the school or carrying them back. The sick students should not be sent to the school.
  • Scribbling on walls and furniture is strictly prohibited
  • Pupils who are absent for five consecutive days without leave of absence and fee defaulters will have their names removed from the rolls. Each student will have to pay Rs.15 for readmission.
  • Pupils are themselves responsible for their own books, pens, cycles, tiffin carriers or any other articles they bring to schools. Cars may be parked outside the school premise at the owner’s own risk.
  • Students are not supposed to bring undesirable books  or reading materials to the school.
  • Electronic items like mobile phones, pen drive, CD etc are strictly forbidden.
  • No school business will be transacted during holydays
  • Students are not allowed to distribute presents/eatable of any kind on their birthday.
  • Pupils who have not paid the fees will not be permitted to write the examinations.
  • The school accepts no responsibility if any pupils is obliged to return home during class hours of failure in wearing school uniform or bringing books to the class or in obtaining  signature of parents or remarks written by teacher or on the absence  record in the school dairy. Even late comers may be sent home.
  • Attendance at official school functions like the school day, sports day, Independence Day, Republic day is compulsory.
  • Parents are specially requested to read the rules carefully and see that their wards follow them.
  • Students are obliged to obtain prior sanction before availing leave in the prescribed form.
  • Students absenting themselves in emergence situations are required to submit ‘Absence condone forms ‘
  • Every student to make a choice in sports games or cultural activities with the consent of their parents or guardians. Parents are advised to ensure the participation of their wards in at least one of the items.
  • No student shall be permitted to go home during school hours without the written request by the parent/ guardian in the prescribed form.
  • The date of birth of the student as recorded in the admission register at the time of admission cannot be changed.

Leave and Absence

  • If any pupil is late or absent on the previous day he/she will not be admitted to class unless the reason is explained in a written note signed by the parent or guardian.
  • Leave or absence for more than three days is not granted except written application by parent/guardian and that too for serious reason only
  • Every pupil is required to put attendance of not less than 90% of the total number of working days.
  • Repeated absence without authorized leave letter or unexplained absence for more than 15 consecutive days render the student liable to have his/her name struck of the roll; readmission if granted will be done on payment of the usual admission fee.
  • Those who are absent for more than three days because of sickness must present a medical certificate before being admitted to class
  • Pupils who wish to leave the school during working hours shall be allowed to do only on producing consent letter from their parent/guardian.
  • A week’s notice must be given in writing by parents or guardians before a child is withdrawn. No leaving certificate will be issued until all dues are paid to the school.No reduction in fees will be allowed for non-attendance of school for any period of time.